Equity in Education
This time of year is busy, vibrant and hopeful in which BG6 truly lives and celebrates our values and successes of Equity in Education.
In the UK, an advantaged learner is six times more likely to receive offers from a Russell Group university, and in the context of Kirklees there are 0.5% with acceptance to Oxbridge, and 11% acceptance to Russell Group universities.
We couldn’t be prouder to buck this trend at BG6 where last year 23% of our learners progressed to Russell Group courses. Our competitive course submissions in Biology at Oxford, Law at Cambridge, Medicine and Dentistry have been incredibly successful and learners are currently preparing for interviews with brilliant, expert colleagues in BG6 and at partner universities in Leeds and Newcastle to cross the last hurdle to their dream post-18 destinations.
Here’s a small taster of some of the offers at all types of universities to date this academic year::
Kings College London - Medical Physiology,
The University of Leeds - Neuroscience, Biology, Psychology
The University of Huddersfield - Molecular Biology, Counselling and Psychology
Leeds Trinity University - Counselling
Cardiff University - Law
Glasgow University - Law
The University of Law - Law
The University of Bradford - Clinical Sciences, Pharmacy, Psychology with Counselling, Optometry
The University of York - Psychology
The University of Manchester - Optometry, Pharmacy
Leeds Beckett University - History
We’re incredibly proud of all our Year 13. Naturally, the talent in our Year 13 cohort is huge and they should rightly own their incredible accomplishments, but I know they would be the first to acknowledge the support of their amazing tutors, specialist teachers and of course the aspirational careers’ team without whom they wouldn’t always have the confidence and the knowledge to fulfil their dreams.