Below are a range of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help to inform you and your decision-making when considering BG6 as your next step.
If your question isn't covered below, you can of course get in touch with anything specific at: hello@bg6college.co.uk
Can I change the subjects I study if I change my mind after submitting my application form?
Yes of course, although we do need to be able to plan for course interest and class size so there will be a brief window at the start of the academic year, after which your decision will need to be final.
If I accept a place here, does that mean I can’t change my mind about where I go?
Not at all, but we would need you to confirm your enrolment here by Results Day in August.
Can I accept places at BG6 and another sixth form college?
Yes, but we are oversubscribed, so we would need you to confirm your enrolment here by Results Day in August.
Will my interview be virtual or in person?
In person, where possible, but we can accommodate virtual interviews if required.
For my application/ at the interview will you look at my mock grades or my predicted grades?
We will take into consideration both your mock and predicted grades to give us as complete a picture as possible in terms of your expected achievements and progress to date.
How long will it be before I find out if I’ve got an interview, after submitting my application form?
Interviews will be held in the Spring Term, and further details will be confirmed with your interview letters.
How long after my interview will it be before I find out if I have been offered a place?
We will let you know as soon as we have reviewed all applications.
What is the difference between a school sixth form like BG6 and other colleges?
Here at BG6 we offer the environment of a college with the extended support network you would experience in a school. This helps learners to bridge the gap between school and higher education.
We know high quality girls' education and are driven to be inclusive. We also offer personalised support to cross the dream gap; the space in between young women's ambition and reaching their full potential due to gender bias.
Where do BG6 learners apply to, after studying here?
They go onto work, higher level apprenticeships and a range of top universities, including Russell Group, both locally and nationally to study a broad range of courses.
How will I be supported in my university or apprenticeship application?
We have dedicated staff for these roles who have both the responsibility and experience to help you through the application process for all pathways equally.
How will BG6 support me beyond my academic studies?
We offer a range of activities outside of academic study including; Enrichment, EPQ, Progression Module, Access to Leeds and other Pathways Programmes through our strong links with universities.
Does BG6 offer any trips for learners?
We run lots of trips to universities including; residentials in London and Cambridge, as well as a range of visits to supplement CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance).