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Batley Girls’

Sixth Form College

BG6 Blog

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  • GROW

    Tue 07 May 2024

    Half Term 5 is a time where we see our values of GROW come to life the most. It’s a busy term tinged with excitement, some nerves and a little sadness at the ‘last’ milestones: last lesson, last tutorial, last form time, and of course the imminent goodbyes and new chapters as our Year 13s count down to their Level 3 examinations. Seeing how they’ve prepared, we know they are walking into these exams with every assurance of achieving every opportunity for their personal excellence. We wish them every success!


    It is an equally pivotal time for the growth of our Year 12s as they start their ‘Step Up’ journey, which is in three parts. 


    Firstly our brilliant Enrichment team have put together Careers and Destinations  sessions; from a UCAS launch, financial literacy for post-BG6 life, university speakers on Degree Apprenticeships and alternative pathways to brilliant careers to, a virtual inspirational talk with a COO on FTSE’s Top 100 Women to Watch list. 


    Secondly, learners are finalising their Transformation work experience fortnight plans with placements already secured with ARUP, pharmacies, a range of childcare settings, Dewsbury Library, an opticians, Batley Food Bank and Leeds Teaching Hospital - to name a few. We are immensely grateful to the businesses taking our students under their wing and it’s really humbling to see the civic and social action spirit in the hearts of our women of the future.


    Lastly, and most importantly, we know just how much stronger we are together, and have finalised our ‘Step Up to Year 13’ evening on Thursday 13 June. Here parents/carers can join us, along with their children, in sessions on what academic and pastoral care looks like in Year 13, supporting with UCAS, student finance avenues with the University of York, and the different options with Apprenticeships, Degree Apprenticeships and our highly successful Aspire to Educate course. 


    To sum up the theme of this week’s blog, it really is the power of community. While it definitely takes a village to raise a child, I’ll leave you with the following thought from Mother Teresa: I can do things you cannot; you can do things I cannot. Together we can do great things.

  • Spotlight | Openness

    Mon 22 Apr 2024

    When starting this spotlight blog, I thought I’d be talking to you about openness as a key pillar of our values, and in particular our amazing PSHCE programme, which really gets our students to think hard about being a well-rounded, tolerant, receptive, and ultimately kind, individual.


    However, one week before Easter a small group of students came to my office to ask whether they could have an Eid Celebration event. Then, within those five days before the Easter break, I had the pleasure of seeing a small group of BG6 students galvanise all students across Years 12 and 13 to plan and implement our immensely successful Eid 2024 charity event; through which a truly amazing £1514 has been raised for Save the Children. 


    The most humbling part was not the money raised, but the ethos demonstrated; how students from all different beliefs, friendship groups, and academic interests supported each other.


    At the heart of the event, our students truly exhibited all of our values (generosity, resilience, openness, wonder). They collaborated with local businesses to donate goods for the evening, hosted events for younger year groups, and represented the College at Year 10 Parents’ Evening. I couldn’t be prouder to see them truly understand and embody the true essence of being open; as Brené Brown eloquently states, it is about being vulnerable. 


    Brown explores vulnerability as the courage to be imperfect, have compassion to be kind to self and others, and hold authenticity to be who we are. In this one event every young person at BG6 College had a voice, represented themselves, and what we authentically are, as a community - a wonderful jigsaw of eclectic differences who cohesively come together to become their very best selves every day, seeking their next step in Every Opportunity for Excellence in all areas of school life, as well as real life.


    I really can’t wait to see our BG6 plans for Iftar 2025 and the 2025 charities plan for the next academic year, to really put BG6 at the heart of the community.


    My quote to end this week couldn’t be from anyone other than the wonderful Jo Cox: "We are far more united and have far more in common, than that which divides us."

  • Spotlight | Post-16 Personal Development

    Fri 22 Mar 2024

    Exceptional Personal Development (PD) is a key cornerstone of our ethos here at BG6, alongside curriculum and aspirational destinations. We strongly believe that exceptional, personalised PD experiences allows students to leverage their curriculum pathways to unlock those ambitious, aspirational destinations. 


    Without the highest expectations and participation in attendance, behaviours, welfare, and holistic enrichment, we cannot reach the heights of our wildest dreams. We can knock on the door of our Post-18 opportunities with our grades, but the key in the lock will only turn through being well-rounded, articulate and confident. 



    We’re incredibly proud of how our Post-16 students have risen to the challenge of regaining pre-Covid levels of attendance and eradicating absences categorised as ‘Persistently Absent,’ meaning anything lower than 90%. This may only be one session, morning or afternoon a week, but the impact of this becoming a norm is significant in achieving their dreams. We know that every minute means a potential mark gained, marks mean grades, and grades mean choices. The gift of having a choice with our next steps for Post-18 education, employment or training is the greatest privilege and empowerment we can give ourselves.



    We have had lots of visitors looking for good practice at interview, or quality assuring our provision at BG6 this past term. The feedback about our students is always a highlight for me as Director. In our last governor visit, students were described as polite, driven, mature and overall as 'quite remarkable'. This is a testament to them and how they live and promote our values every day. I’ve been blown away by the lobby peer teaching space that has really taken on a life of its own, and the amount of free classrooms used for peer revision and study sessions. It isn’t just the level of personal self-study that is remarkable; it’s the team spirit - generosity and resilience of students pulling together to not leave anyone behind, which forms part of our Trust values.



    PSHCE has been focused on women’s health, healthy personal relationships and taking care of ourselves both mentally and physically this term. As a core facilitator for our safeguarding work, students have been active in sharing their views on safety in and out of school. There are big projects in the making to extend our fundraising efforts, including Save the Children and St Martin’s Hospice, commemorating the tragic loss of one of our own, and creating a wellbeing space for students. Watch this space for more on this during the summer term.



    Enrichment, work experience and the Supra Curricular engagement have been incredible over the past term. We held over 58 different wider curriculum experiences for our students to engage in over the year, and we’re just over half way through the academic year. Year 12 are in the midst of finding and finalising their work experience placements for Transformation Fortnight in July and we’re looking forward to visiting them during this time. The Enrichment programme continues to go from strength-to-strength; and with Year 13 focussing on their examinations, the Enrichment programme changes gear for our Year 12 students as they look to the UCAS and Apprenticeships processes, as well as developing those critical financial literacy, and personal survival skills for Post-18 life. 


    As ever, I like to end on some food for thought and this time it comes from Maya Angelou. I discovered this while researching our upcoming assembly on wonder, which is one of our values, and for me wonder really is rooted in empowerment:

    “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”


    Laura Dixon, Director of BG6


  • Values Spotlight | Generosity

    Mon 04 Mar 2024

    At BG6 we live our values every day so that we make progress to achieve every opportunity for excellence. We are made up of a multi-cultural, multi-faith community with a rich tapestry of motivations and personalities and one of the golden threads that unites our BG6 community is that we give our time, empathy and compassion without the guarantee of receiving something in return. As Ramadan approaches, I’m reminded of this first core value, and it’s great time to look at how BG6 students have been exhibiting generosity in our community. 


    Generosity exists here in many forms outside of the classroom; through our form time programme, our student leadership, and our enrichment programme.


    As part of our form time programme, it’s been a pleasure to see our BG6 Paired Reader programme flourish where both Year 12 and Year 13 students are sharing their love of reading with Year 7 and Year 8 - raising the profile of this life changing core skill. BG6 students are equally volunteering their time to support World Book Day this year in the much anticipated Nero Novels' store. 


    Our student leadership teams in Year 12 and Year 13 drive the Student Voice across the whole school, as well as within BG6. They coordinate our charitable work, supporting local, national and international causes and also support school events representing the student body. Our elections for Year 12 executive leadership will be starting in the near future to give our wonderful Year 13 ambassadors a handover period before their examinations; we can’t wait to see the candidates and I’m sure the process will be highly competitive. 


    Our enrichment programme has three different facets where students are living and breathing the act of generosity. The first is our Sanctuary project, where a group of students are working with refugee groups in our local area. The second is our volunteering group who have created an impressive project working to create ‘MOM’ents for young and single mums, transforming our study centre, filling it with 'Batley buzz' from; candle painting, origami, colouring and games to - developing the social and emotional skills of the children, while also working with our mums on digital literacy skills and a space to develop connection and community. While work experience has natural benefits in enriching our students’ experience of the workplace, I’ve been really impressed in placement reviews by how our students are going above and beyond, giving up much more than the 90 minutes a week of their core enrichment lesson. Without a doubt these work experience placements are developing the moral and holistic basis of our highly successful women of the future.

    Students and staff know that I love a quotation, and particularly one from an inspirational woman, so to wrap up the blog this week, I’d like to leave you with Eleanor Roosevelt’s words:


    “To me who dreamed so much as a child, who made a dreamworld in which I was the heroine of an unending story, the lives of people around me continued to have a certain storybook quality. I learned something which has stood me in good stead many times - The most important thing in any relationship is not what you get but what you give.”

  • Brilliant BG6 students

    Mon 19 Feb 2024

    We are well into recruitment and interview season with a record number of applications to BG6. Miss Dixon and the team are really enjoying meeting our prospective Year 12 cohort, both internal and external candidates, discussing high academic and personal aspirations. Offer letters should be going out along with further transition information by the Easter break. 


    We are also celebrating amazing accomplishments with our Year 13 cohort and their next steps after BG6. The ethos of BG6 is to overcome any obstacles, break down barriers and to enable our students’ dreams to their first choice next step, whether that is University, a Degree Apprenticeship, a traditional apprenticeship or securing their first jobs.


    We’re delighted that at this early stage in the UCAS process 98% of the cohort have received at least one conditional offer to go to one of their chosen universities with such a wide eclectic range of courses. From Mathematics and Accountancy, at The University of Sheffield, Speech and Language Therapy, Graphic Design and Animation at The University of Huddersfield, Archaeology at Durham University, Criminology at The University of Southampton, Architecture at The University of Manchester, Law, English and History, Nursing at the University of Leeds and Pharmaceutical Science, and Clinical Sciences and Medicine at Bradford University.


    An equally fantastic accomplishment and a big well done must go to our students who have secured apprenticeships and are going through that process with successful interviews in teaching, nursing, accountancy and healthcare sectors.


    These destinations wouldn’t be possible without the structure of our curriculum at BG6; students go above and beyond every week in Enrichment, Work Experience, Visits and Higher Education experiences, and the Supra Curriculum where students delve into the wider academic and work related world. One success we’re looking forward to supporting is our debate team, having competed wonderfully in Sheffield at the Oxford Union’s student debate regional rounds, and BG6 will be heading to Windsor Castle to support one Year 12 in the finals of the Historical Association’s Great Debate. 


    The last sprint has started for Year 13 with their diagnostic mocks to see how their knowledge, exam application or self-management have improved towards their academic aspirations. The next few weeks ahead have been structured strategically to support students to gain those three levers. As a brilliant year group, we are looking forward to supporting them to reach those equally brilliant heights!

  • Raising aspirations

    Mon 29 Jan 2024

    This month we’ve been particularly focussed on pathways and showcasing the potential opportunities our students could have in the future. 


    We visited the University of Leeds for two conference days for Raised in Yorkshire, a partnership for our aspirant Medic and Dentists.

    This year-long, real-world research project enables our young people to experience a critical part of higher level study in these competitive courses as well as addressing how looking after healthy teeth is related to good school attendance for our Year 7 cohort. We're looking forward to seeing bright smiles as they start the education mentoring phase!

    We also had the pleasure of taking 51 of our Year 12s to the University of Sheffield, and 38 students to Newcastle University to experience a selection of our closest Russell Group Universities. This work will continue in the Summer Term with Year 12 collaborating with Newcastle University on Unifrog and beginning the UCAS process.

    Students had the opportunity to discuss student living, finances, course choices with undergraduate ambassadors, as well as meeting teaching staff in a range of disciplines.

  • Exciting news for Class of 2023

    Mon 15 Jan 2024

    When you leave BG6 your legacy lives on and you will always be a BG6 alumni.


    To celebrate this and the successes of 2023 we would like to invite all our former Year 13 students to our BG6 Get Together Class of 2023 celebration.


    This event is a superb opportunity for us all to celebrate your BG6 achievements and successes and for you to share how you are getting on with life after BG6. We also want to take this opportunity to celebrate and remember those that are no longer with us and in doing so we would like to honour Zara Iqbal’s memory, and her legacy, by celebrating her achievements with you, as her classmates.  


    The Get Together will be held in the BG6 common room where light refreshments will be available and you will be able to collect your A Level certificates. There will be memory book on display for everyone to sign and leave a message if they wish. There will also be a donation box where we are asking for donations, in Zara’s name, for the Martin House Hospice charity in Wetherby. 


    If you would like to join us - please complete the google form by Friday 19 January indicating your preferred date for this event to take place.


    If you are unable to attend the event, please email: to arrange a time with our Exams Officer to collect your certificates.


    We look forward to seeing many of you!

  • Tis the season... for recruitment!

    Mon 18 Dec 2023

    We are in the midst of recruitment season and we're excited about our 'BG6 for a day' plans on Thursday 21 December when we will welcome our first full cohort of Year 11 students to give them a real taste of the BG6 experience.


    They have chosen their subject options for the day, from a long list (!) and will have opportunities to experience BG6 life in the new common room and work with Leeds Trinity University on 'Why University and how to get there' in a careers' session. 


    We will also be planning taster days for external applicants in the new year, so watch this space...


    New year, more university visits

    Keep your eyes peeled for more information on the next set of visits to the University of Sheffield and Newcastle University in January and February.


    We wish you well for the festive season and 2024!

  • Enriching experiences

    Mon 11 Dec 2023

    This month has been a busy one with trips to Selwyn College, University of Cambridge for Year 11 and Year 12 aspiring applicants. Students loved the experience; from trying on gowns, to Q&A sessions with undergraduates, campus tours and a little bit of shopping for good measure - they got a great insight into what will be on offer for them. We've also been to the University of Huddersfield with Year 13 students who have completed the Progression Module; earning themselves 12 UCAS points should they wish to apply to the University of Bradford, Huddersfield or Leeds Trinity University. 


    Personalised aspirational CEIAG remains a priority, at the core of the support we provide. We launched multiple personalised progression programmes for the students; Zero Gravity for Russell Group applicants, The Social Mobility Foundation for work experience, mentoring, and internships with some of the biggest global partners in Law, Medicine, Business, and the Arts. We've also partnered with UpLearn, an online platform combining AI, personalised gap work, and tutorials for all students in Year 12 and 13 studying Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Psychology. In the first five days alone students have logged a massive 145 extra hours of learning. We can't wait to see the impact on their final outcomes in August this year and next. 


    In order to support our Medics, Dentists, Oxbridge, and competitive courses stream, we are happy to announce our ‘Aspiration Wednesday’ tutorials where colleagues from different disciplines will be supporting with wider guided supra-curricular material and admission tests support. 

  • Leaving a legacy

    Mon 27 Nov 2023

    Setting the stage for public speaking


    One of our amazing Year 12 students won the regional heat of The Great Debate, which was hosted here at Batley Girls’ High School, one of only two schools in Yorkshire to be selected as a venue.


    Young people from across our family of Trust schools came to compete, and spoke for five minutes about people and places they’d researched, that were of local historical significance. Our winner spoke about Batley Variety Club and was chosen by an independent panel of University academics from Leeds Beckett, Newcastle, Bradford and Huddersfield. She will go on to take part in the National Final - watch this space!


    Student-led fundraising


    Some of our students recently organised a colour theme day to raise money for their chosen charities; Save the Children and Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) to support the humanitarian crisis.

    Our Year 13 BG6 Student Leadership Team also served refreshments at open evening and asked for voluntary donations for these charities. In total over £310 was raised, which is absolutely brilliant, and those students who supported the open evening were truly excellent ambassadors.


    Your Dream | Your Choice
